Monday, May 18, 2020

Depression in Teens - 1459 Words

Throughout the world, people are struggling daily with one, if not multiple, mental illness. Some of these individuals have been diagnosed as a result of symptoms they exhibit, while others struggle in silence. For those that have received help, life slowly looks brighter for them, while loved ones work to help in any way possible. One of the serious mental illnesses that teens struggle with is depression. There are various aspects as to why an adolescent may develop depression including social, academic, or family problems, as well as stress or past issues; however, if others recognize the warning signs, complications can be avoided and treatment obtained to overcome depression. Depression â€Å"extends beyond sadness to the point of illness†¦show more content†¦In addition, he is apt to start abusing substances or have a change in eating patterns (Goldenberg). All in all, if one has depression, many emotional changes will occur, eventually causing physical changes which m ay be viewed as warning signs. Due to depression, one may develop various other complications that will affect his lifestyle. These could include difficulty in school, violent behaviors, low self-esteem, addictions to drugs, alcohol, smoking, pornography, or the internet, as well as the potential of becoming a runaway (Smith, Barston, and Segal). In addition, one suffering from depression is more likely to have an early pregnancy, develop an eating disorder, other mental health disorders, harm himself, or even become suicidal, which is the third leading cause for death of teens (â€Å"Teen Depression†). Overall, if depression is not diagnosed and goes untreated, there is a high risk that the person suffering from depression will develop other problems in his life. As a result of emotional changes, warning signs, and complications developed from the illness, a teen may be taken to a doctor or other professional to determine whether he is depressed. Depression can be â€Å"determined by professionals by conducting psychological tests on a teen, as well as conducting interviews with the teen, his family, and his friends†Show MoreRelatedTeen Depression In Teens1284 Words   |  6 PagesAlex Leon Mrs. Kim Roberts English IV 21 October 2017 Depression in Teens Depression is a mental disorder or an mental illness that impacts people all around the world. In America, it has grown tremendously since 1980 and has been affecting younger and younger people, it was once only affecting adults but in recent years has been getting to adolescents and children. Most recently more than 10 percent of adolescents develop a depressive disorder before the age of 18(Collins, 2017). 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Is there something that we can do to help these teenager s. What are the symptoms and diagnoses. Factors contributingRead MoreTeenage Depression And Teen Depression792 Words   |  4 Pages Teen depression, which is also known as adolescent depression, is a growing problem in today’s society. Depression among teenagers is overlooked by many and is often mistaken for â€Å"normal† teenage behavior. This mental illness is one of the most common psychiatric disorders. Depression is predominantly seen amongst young women who are transitioning into adulthood. Teenagers are at a point in their lives where they come face to face with the reality of peer pressure and a milestone in becomingRead MoreTeen Depression : Teenage Depression1477 Words   |  6 Pages Teenage Depression Depression has a major impact on the lives of teenagers; And through analysis it says that teen girls have a higher risk at suffering depression. Depression grows more and more everyday in today s society. 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Recognizing the signs and diagnostics that could prevent teenagers with this mental illness. , Be aware there are several different types of depression . Teens from one or more types. Teenage depression is becoming a problem in today’s society. However, Depression, it’s a mood disorder that causes persistent feelings of sadness and lost of interest also called clinical depression it affects how you feel , thinkRead MoreEssay on Teen Depression1653 Words   |  7 PagesClinical depression is capable of ruining the future. In a few years, teenagers will be moving up in the world and beginning their lives as contributing members of society. Each one of them will have a job, and will encounter countless other individuals. The dilemma that the world faces is about 17% of teenagers will suffer from depression before they become adults (Canada). This impacts connections not only in the political/business world, but their personal lives and growth as well. 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They are trying to identify with themselves and trying to figure out where there puzzle piece fits in society, all of which can show the way to behavioral and emotional changes

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